The Foksal Gallery Foundation art gallery, an iconic example of 1960s architecture, has been given a radical renovation, by reducing the weight of the facade, providing thermal insulation and restoring the mineral appearance of exposed concrete.
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Vente Privée headquarters
Vente Privée headquarters
Commissioned directly by venteprivé’s CEO Antoine Grangon for architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, the building known as Le Vérone proudly shows off a lattice façade in white Ductal®, visible along the A1 highway across from the Stade de France, on the outskirts of Paris.
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The Shum Yip UpperHills Loft, a Urbanus project, is a high-end commercial complex with 6 high-rise towers containing offices, hotels and business apartments. Adjacent to the CBD and Huaqiangbei shopping district, it is also located between two center parks in Shenzhen.
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Nike Miami
Nike Miami
Nike creates performance products for athletes who love them around the globe. Its retail environments are designed with the same vision. For the design of the building’s core and shell, Nike’s Retail Design Team partnered with Touzet Studio, a Miami-based architecture firm, because of their creativity and regional expertise. Together, the collaborative design team focused on innovation, architectural integration with the local culture, its materiality and interior consumer experiences.
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Lyon Part Dieu
Lyon Part Dieu
La Part-Dieu new shopping center extension in Lyon has opened in November 2020. Its 32,000m² make it the largest downtown shopping center in France.